30 Mile River Watershed Association’s 13th Annual Paddle Trek


On Saturday, July 30, the 30 Mile River Watershed Association celebrated it’s 13th Annual Paddle Trek. It could not have been a more perfect day. Sixty-one enthusiastic paddlers gathered early at Minnehonk Beach in Mount Vernon for registration and an introduction to the day. Joining them were 10 enthusiastic volunteers and many onlookers.

And then, a fleet of colorful kayaks, canoes and a standup paddle board launched and headed down the lake to begin their 15-mile guided paddle, traveling down nine other bodies of water, ending in Wayne Village.

The day was filled with camaraderie, adventure, and most of all exposure to our precious bodies of water, each unique in its wildlife, flora, and beauty. Participants were reminded of how lucky we all are to live in such a special place and the importance of stewardship – a mission that 30 Mile works tirelessly to promote in our commitment to protecting and preserving our lakes, and educating those who live on and enjoy them.

For more watershed updates, read our August newsletter: https://conta.cc/3A2U00u

Hammond Lumber Company was a sponsoring partner for this event.

(Photo taken by Trisha Cheney)